web tracker A Piece of My Mind: March 2006

A Piece of My Mind

Here I'll talk about the things I see, feel, think and imagine, of things that are, were or could be, in hopes for people to enter my mind and we could share some thoughts...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lo Siento

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
Hay veces en nuestras vidas, en las cuales sin darnos cuenta podemos herir a las personas que nos rodean sin intencion alguna.

Muchas veces ocurre, puesto que no notamos los pequeños o grandes detalles que hacen para nosotros, puede ser por cansancio, stress o que sencillamente no estamos en el humor correcto para eso, debido a esto no le damos la importancia que se merece, ni vemos el esfuerzo ni la planeacion que la persona tomo en cuenta para agradarnos, para hacernos sentir especiales.

Al final, cuando nos hacen dar cuenta de nuestro error, no nos queda mas que decir lo siento, pero muchas veces lo siento no es suficiente, y mas aun cuando ocurre mas de una vez.

Como poder enmendar esto error? Tratando nosotros acaso de hacer para esa persona lo que intento hacer por nosotros? Pedir perdon hasta el cansancio? Creo que al final, lo unico que podemos hacer es darnos cuenta en que fallamos e intentar que no vuelva a ocurrir, no hay nada peor que planear algo con mucha emocion y ansias y que en el momento de la verdad sea arruinado.

Perdoname, no fue mi intencion.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Light Culture

coke light
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
Food, its right on top with water and air, as the three "musts" in order to survive. Food is on the third rank of this top 3, but surprisingly everything we do is around it.

If i could chose right now, i'd be eating a delicious Pepperoni Pizza, or some burritos, oh my god, french fries! ufff... or something sweet, brownie a la mode, fondant de chocolate, cheesecake...i better stop. Due to my past eating habits you i gained a lot of weight, and i now live in a light culture, in order to lose that weight and to be healthy, but then again that's just me.

Millions of people live every single day, in a light culture, they only drink diet sodas, light yogurts, salads, chicken, egg whites and salmon... (just as an example)... now there's light ice cream, light mayonaisse, light butter, coffee decaff, non-fat milk, light cheese...everything that's light or de-something (like decaff) it just doesn't tastes nor feel like its counter part, which leads me to think and to compare our eating habits with our living habits...

Are we missing out?

We've try to get things to be lighter, be it work (with less responsability the better), relationships (you will dump someone because of the stupidest thing) family (you'll just stand them on the holidays and that's it), we just want to make everything easy, but why? It doesn't feel the same, it doesn't tastes the same, if you eat tons of fat, your artheries will clog and you could potentially die, so reduce the amount of fat that you ingest, but don't reduce it, its like carbs, send Atkins and South Beach to hell, at least 60% of the food you ingest in a day should be carbs, but eat healthy.

With relationships as well, you don't have to stand all the things from your significant other, but do try, and try to comprehend and accept those things if you can't change it.

You can't always eat desserts, but that doesn't mean you can't have some every now and then...

I hope somehow this two concepts are expressed clearly, and all of you, carbs rule, forget the light culture, don't miss out, enjoy everything (be moderate) otherwise your life will past you by and you'll always wonder "what if..."

Friday, March 17, 2006

'bout telling the truth part 2

don't cry hon'
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
Yes a sequel...be afraid...be very afraid...

When we think of our friends, and the people who surround us (family or acquaintances), we think about them always in a "happy environment". We remember the good times we've spent together, and imagine the good times that are coming in the foreseeable future...

We never think of our friends, as the ones who're going to hurt us, nor the ones who are going to make us cry, friends are for the joy and the laughs...

How absolutely wrong... Friends are the ones that hurt us, friends are the ones that make us cry, and no this is no bitter post, its the truth. Our friends, if they consider to be good friends, are supposed to tell us the truth about ourselves, they're the ones who are going to make us realize if we are wrong, and that a new haircut, blouse, relationship or way of thinking its not right...

I don't know why, human beings tend to change when we are at our lowest (this I will try to analyze in another post...) but in order to change, we need to get there, and the truth is what's going to take us there...friends are the ones, why? Because we will know they're not doing this to hurt us, but just to make us better.

No one likes to hear, you're ugly.

Friends should tell us the things we don't want to hear from anyone else, we forgive our friends, but sometimes we never forgive ourselves.

If you're a friend, make sure to help your friends, even if it hurts them, even if it makes them cry, even if you think they'll never talk to you again, in the end, they'll be glad you told them the truth, and they'll keep loving you no matter what.


oh the old times
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
I've heard, almost every day of my entire life: "An image is worth a thousand words"...

Its as true as it can be, and for me (being an advertiser) I should never say otherwise, but the fact is that a thousand words are a thousand words.

If you keep reading word after word, it has more meaning than a picture, it means this words are thought of, they're connected there's a reason behind them and what they mean.

It happens when we read a book and then we watch the movie, usually the book is better, why? Because those simple words expand your imagination, they let you imagine, feel and sometimes (if your imagination is strong enough) live those words.

In the world now-a-days where communication has gotten easier and easier, where we can talk in real time with someone who's in the other side of the globe, it just makes me wonder, what we say does it matter?

Blogs, chats, emails, hi5, there's constant typing everywhere, everytime, but most of the words we type are meaningless, "hi, how are you" "good you" "lets go out" "okay, lets". WoW deep meaning behind those words...

In our busy and fast lives, we don't have time to sit and read, be it a book or a long email, but surprisingly we can sit in the dark for three hours and watch a bad movie (don't get me wrong i love films), but we can't find the time to read a short story, or a long email.

Words get through to me more than images, like I said, a picture can say a thousand words, but a thousand words are a thousand words...

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
I just finished playing an incredible platformer game by the name of Psychonauts. This game, tells the story of a Psychich Summer Camp for kids, in which the heroe of the story, Raz, must enter the mind of their teachers (and some other people) to solve their problems, and eventually save all his friends who've been de-brained (gotten their brain separated from their body), its actually a great game. When entering each persons mind, Raz gets involved in different "environments", for example, one mind is a war zone, other one a big party, it all depends of the owner of the mind and what they've been through...

No, this is not to talk about the game, i'm just saying that stuff, so you can understand where I am going to now.. that got me thinking, if someone could enter my mind (like in the movie The Cell) how would it be like? I picture a lot of different scenarios, a really bright positive almost in a state of high place, a really dark and scary part suited for a horror film, a graveyard with demons and vampires, another part where magic exists and heroes aswell, a boxing ring where i'd be kicking every person who has earned it a major butt kick and a movie theater, yes seriously probably all this stuff could be there, and most of them are scary stuff, but i'd bet it would be completely fun.

I know, no major reason for this post, but still, I wanted to say it, so sue me :p

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Deal Breakers

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
For those of you who doesn't know what a deal breakers is I will elaborate just a little in order to explain what they are...deal breakers are those little things (could be big, but usually they're little) that we just can't stand and won't learn to ever take from another person, it could be as simple as the way the laugh or as big as hum...their appearance....

For me a deal breaker is to be abused of...I'm a total push-over, just to avoid a fight, or some sort of trouble I will keep my mouth shut, or won't do anything that could even ignite the smallest fire, because trust me, if I ever ignite a little tiny match, the consequences will be even bigger than a volcano (it could seem that I'm overreacting, but trust me I'm not).

So I just let people make their things, try and outsmart me, that I don't say anything, doesn't mean i haven't noticed, I will give you signals, beginning with a (metaphorical of course) Stop Sign, then some Red Light and hey if you ran the red light, you deserve a ticket.

For me "third time's a charm" if you've been able to think you can fool me for the third time, that's it, you just went to far, if I let you do it again, its because I consider you, its because I think after the last warning things will change, and you'll stop without me telling you to.

If you decided to ignore what I said, sell me a sad story, or make up the lamest excuse ever its your problem, but if you do it again, no matter what you say or do, that will be it, i'm not dumb, my eyes are always wide open, my ears capturing every small little thing that can be heard, and my head always analyzing everything (if you think that can't be dangerous, trust me it is, very dangerous), I will literally won't ever forget it, i forgive, i don't forget it, really bad trait, but i'm sorry, it keeps you from getting hurt.

In the end my deal breaker is the "Abuse Re-Runs", the trying to outsmart me thing, not that much, I enjoy a great game, they're fun and I'm always ahead.

What's your deal breaker? Share it with me...