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A Piece of My Mind

Here I'll talk about the things I see, feel, think and imagine, of things that are, were or could be, in hopes for people to enter my mind and we could share some thoughts...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Happily Ever After

holding hands
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
As I've probably stated here, in a lot of posts before, I love going to the movies, or better yet movies (be it going to a cine, renting them, etc..) Every now and then I like to see my romantic comedies, they're usually good and makes your heart melt whenever you see that love is flourishing....

Love Actually, wow, great movie, I'm not going to review it, don't worry, but this is a romantic comedy I must have seen around 6 or 7 times, and every time I see it, I smile, I cry I simply love...

After you see one of this romantic comedies, you always leave the movie theater saying, I want that or I wish i could have that again. We demand our partners (if we have any) to sweep off of our feets again, we want to fall in love one more time; but the sad honest truth is that the movie never shows the characters after they're involved, all the struggle they have to fight in order to love each other, stand each other, comprehend each other and to commit...

The all "boy meets girl, girl meets boy" its beautiful, but what does happen after a year? or two years? when we finally get the girl (or boy), when we go to see a movie and long for that again, are we going to what, break up? That would be just silly, because if you do it, you'll never find true and everlasting love...

As time goes by, and you get to know your sweetheart better, everything evolves, a look can say a million things, you'll know the exact place to touch, you won't be holding hands because you are falling inlove, you'll be holding hands because you're inlove, because you are mergin with that person, the two of you are being one...

Love is complicated, it is, but as it ages, its like wine, it gets better, every look, every touch, every smile, those things makes our heart get all warm and fuzzy, although most of the time we ignore it, but when we lose it, even if it is for a little while, our heart will scream for it, will fight for it, will die for it...

Love is beautiful, and I've learned that when the movies are done the characters don't live happily ever after, the simply cease to exist, but us in the real world is when our fairy tale begins.


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