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A Piece of My Mind

Here I'll talk about the things I see, feel, think and imagine, of things that are, were or could be, in hopes for people to enter my mind and we could share some thoughts...

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Battle

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.

Founding it ironic, that my last blog before this, talked about the fights we all had, today I had one, small thing, big change...

Gold's Gym, Evaristo Morales

I had just finished doing my training for the day, just had to do half an hour of cardio and that was it, done for the day. but suddenly there it was, THE SPINNING ROOM, i was convinced to stay there and fight (aka taking the class), i stayed thinking, i will only last 15 minutes in this place.

18:15 pm
The sun was coming down, i was getting a little bit tired, i just couldn't quit, i had to keep on fighting, i did, after the first exercise "standing up" i was beat, but i had to keep going.

18:30 pm

This is just a breeze, oh my god, this is so much fun, wait i've been here for half an hour, and i'm not tired, could i actually finish this class?

18:45 pm

The Coronel Trainer had us working hard (at least in my perception) but I still managed to keep up, never lacking off or resting as much as i had done in the past, this was a battle i was going to win.

19:00 pm

The class was over i finished it, i won the battle....

I just couldn't believe this, i still can't, this may sound stupid, but this was one of the biggest battles, in the war i have (losing weight). So standing ovation and applause for me, yei!


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