Warrior Within
Before reading anyfurther, this post has nothing to do with the sequel of the superb videogame of Prince of Persia (or the fact that i'm dying to play Warrior Within so i can play The Two Thrones), now that that's out of the way lets keep moving on...
Have you ever noticed, how we human beings have always something worth fighting? Beasts (back in like 2000 B.C), slavery, racism, machism, homosexualism or any other kind of injustice...but what amazes me the most, and this is rarely seen or even talked about are those little fights we have with our worst enemies every single day, every single moment we breath, our worst enemy are, ourselves...but then again we are our bravest fighters.
It can be the most simple of things, like...waking up at 8am every day, that's just plain mean and rude, but that's one of my fights, being able to wake up without asking for 5 more minutes (you might be thinking i wake up at 6, or 7 or 5, stop bitching around, well, that's your life, not mine and for me its HARD!) anywho...
We still have to wake up, get out, even if we lose this battle today, it will start again tomorrow, and this most of the times lead us to be afraid; afraid of not beeing good enough? or maybe of not beeing able to get through something?
i think that's why sometimes little things (please DO NOT use my example as one of those) lead us to drown our worries in alcohol, drugs, sex or any other kind of vice we can find to feel good about ourselves and hide our problems, and our fights, so they can't get to us.
I'm one of the persons who considers the efforts as much as the results, because sometimes, maybe you just can't reach your goal in one day, but you still kept running, kept trying and you did it in two days, you never stopped, you never quit, that's being a warrior, that's being corageous, that's being brave.
Our strength comes from deep within ourselves, and sometimes (or most of the time) we just don't know how strong we are, how powerfull is our spirit, until we're faced with some real big challenges, and we somehow achieve those big ones, but the little ones are always put aside, for the sake of the big ones....that same strength we used, that same power we have, we have to make it grow even stronger, double it if possible, because the little things are the one's that are actually the scarier, are the ones which do add a true meaning to who we are, and what we can do.
I give everyone who has fought, the big things and the little ones, a standing ovation you deserve it, all fights take a lot of energy, hope, strength, power and humbleness to win them and specially to defeat ourselves, from trying to sabotage every single dream or goal we've set to reach, but you still made it.
It's all in a brave heart, in our warrior within.
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:23 PM,
Alejandro said…
pues te respondo en español, primero, tu tambien ten mas identidad, no me dejes el comentario anonimo, se un hombre (o mujer) y de la cara. Segundo escribo en ingles por diferentes razones:
1- me expreso mejor en ingles que en español.
2- mi interes no es que solo las personas que hablen el idioma español puedan leerlo, sino cualquier persona en cualquier parte del mundo, como el ingles es por decirlo así el "idioma internacional" entonces lo utilizo como un puente.
3- hablo español y lo escribo 24 horas al dia 7 dias de la semana, pase de los 22 años que tengo, al menos 15 estudiando ingles, no pienso dejar perder todos esos años de estudio y perfeccionamiento (y el dinero que se pagó para todo eso) asi que le sacare provecho cuando y como pueda.
4- los blogs son un medio de expresion y hasta donde tengo entendido, en este país existe la libertad de expresión, si deseo expresarme en ingles lo hare en ingles.
5- me encanta como representas al dominicano: "UTE" no querras decir usted?
espero haber aclarado y dado a entender el punto en un buen espanol, cualquier duda siempre estoy dispuesto a aclararla.
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