Last Christmas I went with my family to Barcelona and Italy, while in Barcelona we went to this place called: "Pueblo EspaƱol" which is spanish for "Spanish Town", which is a representation of the towns in Spain. Beautiful place by the way.
There we bought this I don't know what to call it, thing, which tells how the Alejandro's are and behave. When I picked up and read it, my mom said that its so me, which it is, so if you have a problem with me due to how I act, blame my parents they named me.
It says (in spanish)
De origen griego: "El que rechaza al enemigo"
A la vez apasionados y flematicos.
Extremadamente imaginativos
Pocos influenciables, no toleran los juicios de los demas
Muy independientes, huyen de la disciplina.
Excelentes CompaƱeros.
Alejandro (english translation)
Greek origin: "He who rejects the enemy"
Very passionate and extremely calm at the same time.
Extremely imaginative, influenceables,
don't tolerate others judgement,
very independent, run from discipline.
Excelent partners.
That's just little ol' me.
At 12:44 PM,
Gvz.- said…
Weird to read that our lives are somehow ruled by the names we are given LOL. Now I wonder what it says 'bout the Gustavo's.
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