web tracker A Piece of My Mind: August 2006

A Piece of My Mind

Here I'll talk about the things I see, feel, think and imagine, of things that are, were or could be, in hopes for people to enter my mind and we could share some thoughts...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Simple Life

My first post in New York, you would think that I would post about how simple (due to the title) life is here. I don't have to go to a supermarket to buy food, I just have to go to www.freshdirect.com and order it online and they'll bring it right into my home, nor how easy is to pay my cellphone bill, just have to go online again, and cable/internet/phone bill (again online) or how cable here is great, I could be watching Grey's Anatomy, but damn you guys don't stop calling me to see how am I doing, what am I to do, oh well, just pause it, talk to you, then press play and keep on watching without missing a single minute....oh yes the simple life....

Wish it were that simple....that much of what I've said its soooo true...but, the other part, the complicated part....the "aaargh" I wish I could just ripp an arm so I don't have to do this ever again part, CLEANING...yes my friends, cleaning.

Most of the people that live in the Dominican Republic (y'know where I come from) if they are middle class and up, we have a maid or two, I was lucky enough to have two, one who always made whatever I desired for breakfast, lunch, dinner, I didn't have to worry about preparing my meals, washing the dishes, washing the pots, cleaning the table, I didn't have to do my laundry, nor to make my bed, not even to fold my laundry, I didn't do anything...

Most of you will say, well, making your bed, making sure your room is clean is part of your responsibilities, not the maids, but well my dear readers, for me it wasn't (only on sundays, and not even then)...

Now I live The Simple Life in honor of Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie's tv show...I may still have the credit cards, and shopping sprees, but when you're leaving on your own, and having to do everything, and have a life, and go to the gym, and to study, you just get really beaten up by the end of the day, and you still have to do the dishes.

Will I survive, The Simple Life?

Friday, August 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
The desicions we take, be them big or small affect, even if it is just a bit, our life. Since we are children, we picture what do we want to do in life, we see ourselves as astronauts, models, actors, lawyers, cowboys, hookers (well ok "escorts") . The point is, from that moment on we start walking the road that will eventually lead us to our final desicion.

The time spent between making this desicion and getting there, we spent it imagining what would happen, the new things we're going to do, the new places we're going to see, we get so lost picturing it that we forget what we're leaving behind, our loved ones, our friends, family, our life.

The true impact of this desicion will only hit us moments away from this change, this moment might be determined in days, hours, minutes, but the emotional wage its carries leaves us all bruised up and hurt, sometimes making us regret our desicion.

We shouldn't regret, we shouldn't try to find a loophole and wish it never happened, we have to remember that the pain will pass, the bruises and the scars will heal, and that our loved ones, if they really love us and we love them as much as we say, we'll never be appart. You can always visit (or receive the visits) talk to them by phone, email, mail, and for that special someone ,a long weekend getaway.

To triumph sometimes we have to make big and small sacrifices, but if we keep a clear head, and know exactly what we want out of life and work towards getting it, everything will turn out great. The only thing left to do is to embrace the future and keep the past close to your heart.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Because you're Unreachable, that's why

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
Haven't you noticed how you can spend your entire life dying for someone, just thinking about that person night and day, just wishing you could be with them just for a second....hey, reality check you just want to be with them, because they're unreachable, that's why...

We've seen it with movie stars, women lose their balance just thinking about Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise, men get hard just thinking about Britney Spears or Angelina Jolie, and we just can't figure out, why this hotties when they get together they don't last.

I'm pretty sure that thousand of women would say right here right now that they would quit their jobs, forget that they even have a profession, just to have Brad Pitt's babies, and don't understand how Jennifer Aniston chose work over sex with Brad Pitt.

Its because we idolize them, and i'm not just talking about movie stars, or music idols, its even with our neighbors, friends, classmates, co-workers, we just want them because we think that we're not good enough for them, or that they're way hotter than us, I'm pretty darn sure, that after we get to know more this person that's driving us crazy of desire, you will totally lose whatever feeling or dirty thought you had for them, they will just turn to be someone else, an average person, because in the end, that's what we really are, nothing special, it doesn't matter what we do, or how hot we might think we are.