web tracker A Piece of My Mind: January 2006

A Piece of My Mind

Here I'll talk about the things I see, feel, think and imagine, of things that are, were or could be, in hopes for people to enter my mind and we could share some thoughts...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

'bout telling the truth

don't hear evil
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
I know this post and the last one are going to be a little contradictory, however, this doesn't make any less truthfull (at least in my eyes) .

Telling the truth, we all at one point or another say "i wish she could've told me, i would've understood" "i wish he told me, what he's doing is worse", we mostly say this kinds of things, when we know someone and we like that someone, but that person doesn't like us back. What does that person does? Doesn't answer his/hers cellphone, doesn't returns our emails, is cold with us, etc..

Those are very BIG hints, but somehow, we just don't get them (or lie to ourselves about them) and a few days/months/years later, when we hear the truth we think or say: "i wish you would've told me, I deserve to know the truth". But lets see how a person would react if they hear the truth from the beginning: "Who does he think he is, he's not better than me, that asshole" or "That little bitch, she doesn't know what she's missing" . Instead of: "At least he/she was honest with me, you gotta give him/her credit for that".

In the end, "We all deserve the truth, but no one wants to hear it"

'bout lying

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
It suprises me, as long as I keep seeing my friends, acquaintances and every now and then a relative (and myself I'm no saint) how much we can actually lie. Sometimes we just say some innocent and white lies "no you're not fat", "you look beautiful" , "i wasn't home". Just to protect someone to make their lifes a litter better, although this not forgives the act of lying itself it makes us feel good, because we've done something good for someone else...

WRONG!, according to some math logic which we all learned around our freshmen year, you cannot accomplish something good doing something bad.

But hey that's just the little things, imagine the big ones, the worst part is when you get caught, because that will only provoke a chain of lies to try and justify the first one, if you believe in God, you should now that lying lands you in hell, if you don't, then at least you believe in karma, and lying does a very bad modjo for your karma.

The worst part is lying to ourselves, we always do and we always believe it as if it were true, "i'm not doing anything wrong, they have problems in their relationship", "i'm happy" , "i love my job", "tomorrow everything will be fine".

We all tell lies to ourselves in hope they will come true, in the long run they won't and in the process we might lose track on who we are and lose those that care the most about us.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
I've always thought, "Seasons Change, People Don't" . I've always and I mean always thought that, but people kep telling me, don't think that, people can change, people deserve second chances (yeah right) after a while, I decided to try that theory, just to prove me wrong and get my faith back on the human race.

Guess what? I was sooo wrong..."Seasons Don't Change, People Don't Change Either" ahhh...now I'm right...In a normal year (in any other country) you have your 4 seasons, winter, spring,summer and fall, but you see, winter can change into spring, but still winter will be back so will spring, its all a cycle, if it'd really change you'd go from an eternal winter to an eternal spring, that's change, transform one thing into another.

And hello!! people changing? nah..! We're all clay, basically we have one form but according to the circumstances we change, we mold to'em but we're still clay, no matter how you put us we're still made of the same thing, so maybe you say someone changed because he was a liar no he's not, but still deep inside he still is, he's just repressing the eagerness to lie, and eventually it will just brake loose and it will just be bigger and wilder and unstoppable. I just don't believe in changes and live has proven me right every single step of the way.

This post is not endorsed by Crayola Modeling Clay nor any other Crayola Products.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fighting Tempations

Chocolate Cake
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
22 years have gone by, realizing each and every single day my addiction to junk food, Coke, desserts and alcohol (being all of them major don'ts for nutrionists), which of course, in the long run (22 years) won't leave your body in the best shape ever. That's why, I've joined Gold's Gym's "Body Transformation". Their diet is somewhat strict, but is algo great, because it gives you tons of options, but the major dawbrack (which will be in any diet you ever do) are that it cuts carbs and eliminates junk food, coke (at least the regular kind) and sugar. If these aren't the signs of theApocalypse, hell I don't know what it is then...

While I'm on this diet, I've fought very hard not to breake it, loosen it or undone what i've done over the past week, it has been hard. But i understand craving some of Pizza Hut's Pepperoni Lovers, some cold and delicious Coke, even a friggin Meat Burrito from Taco Bell, those I understand, but the suddenly crave for white bread, garlic bread, smoothies among othert food you don't usually crave or want when you're not on a diet made me think: "do we crave what we can't have?"

In some cases its obvious (yacht, private airplane, an island) but to actually desperately want it? Is it in our human nature to be masochists and crave those things we can easily (or not so easily) have to just not appreciate it later?

At least my own answer and conclusion is simply that we just might be selfish and self-centered that we can't simply enjoy what we have, we just want more stuff (be it food, women, men, cars, money, houses) until we find something else and then toss it a side, or be it that we never use it and we miss it when we lose it.

What's your take on this matter? Comment me and let me know..

Monday, January 23, 2006

Are Cats like Men?

Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
I've tryed to seize this question in a very neutral way, because I am a Man, so I wouldn't like to critizice my own gender, but still, I just found this very funny and amusing...

My cat Moreno (or in this case Exhibit A) is a beautiful and soft black cat (almost like a puffed animal), which at first when he arrived home I thought (and so did everyone else) he was a "girl" so we named him Morena, after we took "her" to the vet, to get "her" checked some rash, we found out it was a HE, but not for long... She (the vet) told us, it would be best if we took out this poor cat "manhood", because like that he would be more peaceful, get into less fights and he would get cuter. My dad said yes, I felt sorry for the fellow, but it was done.

Around a month later, he was chubbier, not fat, but really chubby, which I know for experience he wouldn't have gotten that way if he hadn't been castrated, so it got me thinking, when we can't have sex, we don't care about our appearance? Take for example men, after they get married is only a matter of time until they get fat, litterally fat (although most of the time the women are the ones to blame for this).

But if we used to go to the gym, we stopped (and if we go Lord knows we'll eat three time the amount of calories we burned) Is our sex life the one who gets us into shape? Are indeed cats like men? Comments anyone...?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ellen Quotes

Ellen Degeneres
Originally uploaded by ale_to_rro.
" In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better. "

"The sixties were when hallucinogentic drugs were really, really big. And I don't think it's a coincidence that we had the type of shows we had then, like The Flying Nun. "

"My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is. "

"I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that. "