Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hey y'all, sorry if haven't written anything since around Feb 16 but its just that i've been pretty busy, doing all kinds of amount of paper work, because i'm going to apply to NYU to do my masters degree and I'm also filling tons and tons of documents, getting some more documents, moving from here to there, in order to apply to some scholarships. I'll be back soon, don't worry...
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Battle
Founding it ironic, that my last blog before this, talked about the fights we all had, today I had one, small thing, big change...
Gold's Gym, Evaristo Morales
I had just finished doing my training for the day, just had to do half an hour of cardio and that was it, done for the day. but suddenly there it was, THE SPINNING ROOM, i was convinced to stay there and fight (aka taking the class), i stayed thinking, i will only last 15 minutes in this place.
18:15 pm
The sun was coming down, i was getting a little bit tired, i just couldn't quit, i had to keep on fighting, i did, after the first exercise "standing up" i was beat, but i had to keep going.
18:30 pm
This is just a breeze, oh my god, this is so much fun, wait i've been here for half an hour, and i'm not tired, could i actually finish this class?
18:45 pm
The Coronel Trainer had us working hard (at least in my perception) but I still managed to keep up, never lacking off or resting as much as i had done in the past, this was a battle i was going to win.
19:00 pm
The class was over i finished it, i won the battle....
I just couldn't believe this, i still can't, this may sound stupid, but this was one of the biggest battles, in the war i have (losing weight). So standing ovation and applause for me, yei!
Warrior Within
Before reading anyfurther, this post has nothing to do with the sequel of the superb videogame of Prince of Persia (or the fact that i'm dying to play Warrior Within so i can play The Two Thrones), now that that's out of the way lets keep moving on...
Have you ever noticed, how we human beings have always something worth fighting? Beasts (back in like 2000 B.C), slavery, racism, machism, homosexualism or any other kind of injustice...but what amazes me the most, and this is rarely seen or even talked about are those little fights we have with our worst enemies every single day, every single moment we breath, our worst enemy are, ourselves...but then again we are our bravest fighters.
It can be the most simple of things, like...waking up at 8am every day, that's just plain mean and rude, but that's one of my fights, being able to wake up without asking for 5 more minutes (you might be thinking i wake up at 6, or 7 or 5, stop bitching around, well, that's your life, not mine and for me its HARD!) anywho...
We still have to wake up, get out, even if we lose this battle today, it will start again tomorrow, and this most of the times lead us to be afraid; afraid of not beeing good enough? or maybe of not beeing able to get through something?
i think that's why sometimes little things (please DO NOT use my example as one of those) lead us to drown our worries in alcohol, drugs, sex or any other kind of vice we can find to feel good about ourselves and hide our problems, and our fights, so they can't get to us.
I'm one of the persons who considers the efforts as much as the results, because sometimes, maybe you just can't reach your goal in one day, but you still kept running, kept trying and you did it in two days, you never stopped, you never quit, that's being a warrior, that's being corageous, that's being brave.
Our strength comes from deep within ourselves, and sometimes (or most of the time) we just don't know how strong we are, how powerfull is our spirit, until we're faced with some real big challenges, and we somehow achieve those big ones, but the little ones are always put aside, for the sake of the big ones....that same strength we used, that same power we have, we have to make it grow even stronger, double it if possible, because the little things are the one's that are actually the scarier, are the ones which do add a true meaning to who we are, and what we can do.
I give everyone who has fought, the big things and the little ones, a standing ovation you deserve it, all fights take a lot of energy, hope, strength, power and humbleness to win them and specially to defeat ourselves, from trying to sabotage every single dream or goal we've set to reach, but you still made it.
It's all in a brave heart, in our warrior within.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
It's been almost a week, without reason, all of the sudden I haven't been able to get a good night sleep, next to me, my beautiful dog Pitufo (Smurf) sleeps as if he were in heaven. The tv's on mute (I can't sleep without the tv on) the lights are off, but my eyes are wide open, staring at the darkness, because even if I closed them and try as hard as I can to fall asleep, I can't, and if I push it, I'll wake up in the morning with a major headache...
Its unbearable to see the minutes on the cable box moving forward while i'm still awkae, 3:27am, 3:35am, 4:10am (you have to be kidding me). While I can't sleep, i just happen to remember that the phone is going to ring at 8am ("Wake up sunshine and remember these are the best days of your life") .
Have you ever tryed counting sheeps? Its booooring and somehow lame, I'd rather watch Animal Planet, Discovery Channel or the Weather Channel, but somehow I get to find something there it gets me interested in, so that's another no no...what to do? what to do?
The only thing to do is to try and fall asleep, and hope to be able to wake up in the morning without falling asleep while driving, or maybe easily not even hear the phone ringing because I'm deeply asleep.
Hate the insomnia, hate hate hate, but what can I do, deal with it, as any other thing with what or whom you just can't fight with.
Its unbearable to see the minutes on the cable box moving forward while i'm still awkae, 3:27am, 3:35am, 4:10am (you have to be kidding me). While I can't sleep, i just happen to remember that the phone is going to ring at 8am ("Wake up sunshine and remember these are the best days of your life") .
Have you ever tryed counting sheeps? Its booooring and somehow lame, I'd rather watch Animal Planet, Discovery Channel or the Weather Channel, but somehow I get to find something there it gets me interested in, so that's another no no...what to do? what to do?
The only thing to do is to try and fall asleep, and hope to be able to wake up in the morning without falling asleep while driving, or maybe easily not even hear the phone ringing because I'm deeply asleep.
Hate the insomnia, hate hate hate, but what can I do, deal with it, as any other thing with what or whom you just can't fight with.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Un Macho de Mujer
Last Saturday I went to the Malecon Center Cinemas, to see "Un Macho de Mujer" spanish for what I'll think it'll be translated: "A Macho of Woman" (i'm not sure, but what the heck). My expectations weren't that high, I had heard from a friend of mine, that the movie was good and that it set a new standard for dominican films, I wanted to believe her, but I wasn't sure, then I read on the Listín Diario newspaper, a critic made by Armando Almanzar (trust me I don't usually agree with him) and he said, that it isn't the best movie ever, but that it was good, I was Surprised indeed.
Reviewing who where the actors and actresses still didn't make me want to see it that much, Robertico Salcedo, Jochy Santos, Tania Baez, Maria del Carmen Hernandez, I thought, why don't you people find real actors, not local tv hosts, but hey I was surprised all of them did a pretty good job. Also the venezuelan stars Ana Karina Casanova and i think the name of the other actor is Daniel Sarcos, they also both did a great job, congratulations.
The movie for me is one of the best dominican films, along with Nueba Yol (just the first part i didn't like the sequel at all, it's my opinion and i'll stand by it). Also Perico Ripiao and I give some credit to La Victoria and Andrea, which I found some flaws in the script, editing, production, among others, but still they delivered a very good final product.
I just wish, that our "Film Industry" can grow and start doing some great work, I don't expect us to be another Hollywood (at least not anytime soon) but Mexico, Argentina, Cuba and Spain haven't got a big industry as Hollywood, but they do make a great great job! We have to learn from them, not everything has to be a terrible comedy, and all the actors shouldn't be tv hosts, expand your horizons people, do a casting call, you'll find someone who can nail the part, don't think that people will only go and see a movie because Raymond Pozo starts in it, people will go and see the movie because its local and we all support it.
Also another advice, stop doing terrible movies because either way every single dominican is going to see it, make good movie that you can take to another country, make a movie that someone else who's not a part of this 8 million people will understand and love, I'm sorry but "La Maldición del Padre Cardona", i didn't like it, i don't understand how Zoe Zaldaña worked in it, don't even get me started with "Los Locos También Piensan" or "Negocios son Negocios" , if you do a great movie you'll get recognition, money, fame and someone who's willing to invest on you.
Cupid's Sad, Cupid's Gone
Cupid is sad, cupid is gone, what has happened with the international day of love? He came with flowers and bombons, he stayed with hughs and kisses, but he's now gone with tears in his eyes, with his love bow and arrows facing up to heaven, because here on earth, there's no more love.
Cupid's gone, his scent aswell, money and bussiness is what remains, money and coins, gift wraps and notes, somehow I start filling cold.
The cold air is all around me, making my heart pump cold blood, am I still human? Can I still love?
No I cannot, loves comes with a price tag, comes with a special offer or two, there's no more love, cupid's scent is gone.
Cupid's Sad, cupid's gone, Cupid is up in heaven looking down un us.
*The reason I wrote this, is because Valentine's day has stopped being a "love day" it's become a "commercial day", not everyone is in love, so lets just say its the day of "Friendship and Love" that gotta get customers to buy more*
Monday, February 06, 2006
Last Christmas I went with my family to Barcelona and Italy, while in Barcelona we went to this place called: "Pueblo Español" which is spanish for "Spanish Town", which is a representation of the towns in Spain. Beautiful place by the way.
There we bought this I don't know what to call it, thing, which tells how the Alejandro's are and behave. When I picked up and read it, my mom said that its so me, which it is, so if you have a problem with me due to how I act, blame my parents they named me.
It says (in spanish)
De origen griego: "El que rechaza al enemigo"
A la vez apasionados y flematicos.
Extremadamente imaginativos
Pocos influenciables, no toleran los juicios de los demas
Muy independientes, huyen de la disciplina.
Excelentes Compañeros.
Alejandro (english translation)
Greek origin: "He who rejects the enemy"
Very passionate and extremely calm at the same time.
Extremely imaginative, influenceables,
don't tolerate others judgement,
very independent, run from discipline.
Excelent partners.
That's just little ol' me.
Every now and then, comes a female actress which literally drive me crazy, it all began in the first years of the 90's with Tiffany Amber-Thiesen in the tv-show Saved by the Bell (i was around 5 or 6 so gimme a break). Then was Katie Holmes in the tv-show Dawson's Creek, which lead me to the following films: Go (which was great), Disturbing Behavior (iuk) Pieces of April (loved it), Batman Begins (loved it too) among others, it didn't take long until i cheated and fell for Drew Barrymore (ET, Charlie's Angels, Charlie's Angels Full Throttle, Riding the Car with Boys and more), after Drew came Nicole Kidman, you just gotta love her (Batman Forever, Practical Magic, The Others, Moulin Rouge, among others) and Naomi Watts (21grams, The Ring...) after her Lindsay Lohan (Freaky Friday, Mean Girls) then it came Marcia Cross (lover her as Bree Van de Kamp in Desperate Housewives) and my new found Love Rachel McAdams (The Hot Chick, Mean Girls, The Wedding Crashers, The Family Stone, The Notebook and Red Eye).
She is a superstar in the making, just being in the screen, she freshens it, she's superversatile, the notebook and mean girls, c'mon two opposite characters one great actress portraying them. This is an actress to keep track on, and I'd love to see her taking some very well deserved awards soon, she's been in your teenage film, thirller, romantic comedy, comedy and drama, she's able to do everything, and I'm a big fan of her. Good luck Rachel even though you will never read this.
By the way all the actresses named before Rachel McAdams, I still love them and are still my loves.
I know this post seems like a post done by a 13 y/o boy (or even younger) but I just had to say it out loud.
She is a superstar in the making, just being in the screen, she freshens it, she's superversatile, the notebook and mean girls, c'mon two opposite characters one great actress portraying them. This is an actress to keep track on, and I'd love to see her taking some very well deserved awards soon, she's been in your teenage film, thirller, romantic comedy, comedy and drama, she's able to do everything, and I'm a big fan of her. Good luck Rachel even though you will never read this.
By the way all the actresses named before Rachel McAdams, I still love them and are still my loves.
I know this post seems like a post done by a 13 y/o boy (or even younger) but I just had to say it out loud.
Today I went to the movies and I saw The Family Stone with Sarah Jessica Parker, Luke Wilson, Diane Keaton, Rachel MacAdams, among other great actors and actresses..the movie touched a nerve in the end SPOILER (if you haven't seen the movie don't keep reading), in the end, Sybill, Diane Keaton's character dies. This moment took me back a few years ago, when I was just a little kid my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, from what I've heard, my father went crazy, apparently he even took the news worse than my own mom, he almost morgaged our house and sold his car to pay for my mothers operation and once he even crashed his car because he got drunk due to the fact he couldn't handle this news, that he could lose the love of his life. (My mom its cancer-free thanks God).
Like two or three years passed and one of my father 's sister lost her husband, I remembered that I loved my uncle a lot, he was my favorite uncle, he died when I was nine, at first I was very sad, but my aunt was destroyed with this, I remember praying to God everysingle night before I went to bed, to let her smile even if it was just once, eventually she did and around two to three years later she found another man, they're married now, and she's happy (although she hasn't forgot her first husband I know she still loves him).
In 1996, my grandfather from my mother side, died from Alzheimer, my grandma was devastated, the only thing I remember she kept saying was: "I lost my partner, I lost my partner" she kept saying that while she drowned herself in her tears; it was simply heartbraking.
After seeing this movie, and recolecting all this thoughts, I wonder, how can you deal with the passing of your life-partner? Do we ever move-on? I know we'll never forget this people, but how can we live without that person we've been together forever, with whom we've shared tons of moment and experiences, with whom we've created life?
Maybe we find a way to keep living, we learn to keep walking, I just think this but i'm not sure, I hope I never have to live through that experience, I'd rather it happens like in the movie "The Notebook" that they died together hughing each other, I couldn't live without my partner next to me and I couldn't forgive myself even in the after-life for leaving my partner with out me.
"Death is the only thing we can't escape from, its true, but I'd rather leave with you"
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Me Against The Music
One of the things I hate the most is the lack of respect, towards ourselves, towards others and towards something. When I was younger and I saw something I didn't like, I said: "well that sucks". After I got into college and I began doing some artistic stuff, and I learned some Art History among some other stuff, I began to learn something more valuable: "if you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not good".
It all began since my first day of school, actually my first Design lesson, my work at first weren't that good (I sort of didn't understand the projects)suddenly, I put an extra effort and I began doing this not so excellent work, but hey they were great, even once the teacher ask the entire classroom to give me an applause because I did the best work in class (a type brochure), and this was coming from the same teacher that at the beginning of the class told me I should drop just drop it.
Then it all moved forward with my Art History class, when the teacher taught us the Modern movement (i think it was) we all were, like "hell those painting sucks, even when i was 5 i could've done that". And then she calmly said: "You say that now, because it was done, no one by that time would've dare to paint that and no one had did, they broke the standards". I loved that class and I loved that teacher (Arq. Lorena Tezanos) she with that comment taught me one of the most valuable things in life.
Then it came the marketing class, another great lesson, "you don't make a product and then think how and to who sell it, you see what the market wants and needs and then you create a product".
What does all of this has to do with respect? Some people as old as DinNossaurs (i respect the younger ones because it takes time to grow up and to learn how to respect stuff, even though sometimes teens and children could surprise you). Don't value this, and it happens mostly with the music, the tv shows and movies. That's why I've always told my gorda I love her ( if she doesn't likes something she'll never say it sucks, she will just simply say: "i don't like it". She never takes credit off the work that has been done, simply its not right.
However, there are some people that if they don't like it, they'll claim it sucks and of course they'll think they're the best, I pity those fools.
I also pity those people who even though they like something or someone (Britney Spears has been taking as an example) they will claim and swear to everyone they don't like it, but in the privacy of their home they'll enjoy her music, and her videos, because they need people to think they like only "cool music" like Franz Ferdinand (don't take me wrong they're great) and Tribalistas.
Remember if there's something out there, its because there is someone who's buying it and who likes it, whether you like it or not, it doesn't mean that, that person has the worst tate and you have the greatest, it means that you have different tastes and you should respect that, its called variety and having options.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Money, Money, Money, MOOONEEEEY
So here's a new apparently thing about me, I love money, well, actually i was told yesterday that I really really love money, which for me it was a surprise, because after all, I'm as humble as I can be, and I'm not a materialistic person.
So why I was told "Alejandro you love money", well because, I always want some and I could easily stay in a job that I don't like, just because of the income. Well that has its true...but still, I wouldn't say that's one of my best nor worst qualities, to be pointed out.
Today, still in shock by the "evening news" from last night, I decided to ask someone else who knows me, and she said "now that I think about it, you do"...Well EXcuseme, but money buy things and let you do things...pardon me for wanting to go and see a movie every now and then, or buying a video game, God please stop me from wanting to go on a trip paid by me, or even giving a gift.
I honestly am not someone who's starving for money, I've given to people who watch cars at night (or during the day depending of where i am) from 10 to 50 pesos (being 20 the usual). Some people say, hey that's too much money, my typicall (but true answer) is: "he needs it more than I do". Same theory I apply with waiters, I always leave them a tip, although if the service was bad I won't leave a thing, or if it was a high bill, well please forgive me for leaving either a little or nothing, hey I don't earn that much yet...
I don't think I'm greedy nor materialistic, it's not a bad qualitiy either, I like money, who doesn't? If there's anyone willing here to say that they don't like it, just give me your salary and I'll be more than happy to spend it for you, one thing is to like it or love it, another thing is just to live for it and be ruled by it.
So why I was told "Alejandro you love money", well because, I always want some and I could easily stay in a job that I don't like, just because of the income. Well that has its true...but still, I wouldn't say that's one of my best nor worst qualities, to be pointed out.
Today, still in shock by the "evening news" from last night, I decided to ask someone else who knows me, and she said "now that I think about it, you do"...Well EXcuseme, but money buy things and let you do things...pardon me for wanting to go and see a movie every now and then, or buying a video game, God please stop me from wanting to go on a trip paid by me, or even giving a gift.
I honestly am not someone who's starving for money, I've given to people who watch cars at night (or during the day depending of where i am) from 10 to 50 pesos (being 20 the usual). Some people say, hey that's too much money, my typicall (but true answer) is: "he needs it more than I do". Same theory I apply with waiters, I always leave them a tip, although if the service was bad I won't leave a thing, or if it was a high bill, well please forgive me for leaving either a little or nothing, hey I don't earn that much yet...
I don't think I'm greedy nor materialistic, it's not a bad qualitiy either, I like money, who doesn't? If there's anyone willing here to say that they don't like it, just give me your salary and I'll be more than happy to spend it for you, one thing is to like it or love it, another thing is just to live for it and be ruled by it.